Media Report


Over the past 20 years, more than 1,000 volunteers from MBL have been building bridges between birth and adoption, rich and poor, East and West, providing a channel for cultural exchange and mutual understanding for children around the world.

母爱桥的业绩被近20多种语言的媒体关注和报道,其中包括:China Daily、新京报、卫报、今日华闻,明报月刊、中华时报、《中国妇女》杂志、雅虎新闻,以及一些地方媒体的报道。

MBL’s achievement has been noticed and reported by media in more than 20 languages, including China Daily, The Beijing News, The Guardian, The Chinese Weekly, Ming Pao Monthly, China Times, Women of China Magazine, Yahoo News, as well as other local media.