Xīnrán XUE

Xīnrán XUE

I am Xīnrán XUE one of the founders of The Mothers’ Bridge of Love MBL. Here is my homework in the west.

I began working for Chinese Radio in 1980’s, moved to London. In 2002 My first book The Good Women of China, was published, it’s a memoir relating many of the stories I heard while hosting my radio show ("Words on the Night Breeze") in China. Since then, I have been worldwide published with another eight books, include Sky Burial, What the Chinese Don't Eat, Miss Chopsticks, China Witness, Message from an Unknown Chinese Mother, Buy Me the Sky, the Promise. I am working on my new book which is about a Chinese man with three women in his life.

I also have contributed some books such as Motherbridge of Love for the adoptive families in 2006, Still Hot in 2020, a collection of sharing the personal stories of the menopause, Barefoot Book Water in 2021, a children book tales by storytellers from around the world, highlighting the variety of ways in which global cultures value water.

I often advise western media (including BBC, CNN and Sky) about western relations with China, and makes frequent television and radio appearances. 2008, I was selected as one of 10 Beijing Heros for the 40th anniversary of Time Out magazine; 2011, I was Nominated by the Guardian's top 100 of The World's Most inspirational Women for100th International Women's Day; 2013, I was awarded The Honorary Doctorate in Anthropology by Hamilton College USA and was award as ‘Year Writer of The Library of Congress –Asia LOC USA’ ; 2014, The Good Women of China has been selected into ‘UK Vintage Classical Collection’; 2015 Sky Burial was selected by ‘Penguin Drop Caps’ a series of 26 collectible hardcover editions, the series features authors from A (Jane Austen) to Z (Carlos Ruiz Zafon); 2019, I was awarded as Woman of The Year and Woman of Influence in UK. Thank YOU!

我叫薛欣然, 是一名记者/作者/志愿者。2004 年 8 月我与部分志愿者在英国创建了国际文化慈善机构母爱桥,旨在中国和西方之间、在收养文化和出生文化之间,贫困与富有之间牵线搭桥。这是我在海外学习和实践的作业:

我于 80 年代末起在国内电台工作,1997 年移居伦敦,自清洁工作起步,后兼职伦敦大学亚非学院,并开始撰写《中国的好女人们》。该书是 关于我在电台主持 ‘轻风夜话’等女性广播节目时的采访回忆录,2002 年出版,已被翻译成 30 多种语言在全球发行。之后连续出版了《天葬的爱》 《中国人不吃什么》《筷子姑娘们》《见证中国》《一位无名中国母亲的来信》《给我买个天空》《百年承诺/谈恋爱》。2006 年与英美出版社策划出版《母爱桥》一书,在美国华盛顿邮报 2006 年十大儿童畅销书排名第三;2020 年加盟二十多个国家的女性作家联袂的《潮热依旧/Still Hot》, 以此呼吁人们对更年期女性身心需求的关注和关爱。2021 年加盟英美儿童绘本《水与文化》,以启蒙少年儿童对水的自然属性和因水而产生的人类 文明的认知。

我曾兼任英美欧洲等西方媒体的文化顾问,参与西方多国电视和广播电台的时事评论,以及兼职英国“亚洲之家”的文学顾问。2008 年被《TIME OUT》杂志国际刊评为 40 周年庆典的(北京)城市英雄。2011 年被英国《卫报》评为全球世纪百名杰出女性之一。2013 年被美国汉密尔顿学院授 予人类学荣誉博士。2014 年《中国的好女人们》被英国兰登出版选收为世界文学经典,《天葬的爱》被美国企鹅经典文学 26 个字母系列选收。2019 年当选为英国年度杰出女性。谢谢您!

