The stories of MBL former chairman Toby Eady with China

Toby Eady/ 托笔*伊迪,曾是母爱桥自2004年创立至2017年的主席。

他于2017年平安夜去世前是一位国际文学经纪人,在世界出版领域以代理中国作家以及非英语作家著称。2004年至2006年,他连续三年组织了国际文学访华团Open Eyes to China,带领西方二十余过的出版商和文学代理商访问中国,在北京,上海,南京,西安四个中国文学重镇,与中国当代作家、出版社和评论家会晤洽谈,为西方出版界认识中国文学走向世界牵线搭桥。

他发动他的签约作家们积极支持母爱桥的Book for kids项目,为母爱桥捐助的二十多所乡村小学儿童图书馆提供图书,帮助中国乡村孩子们种植理想感知世界。



Toby Eady served as Chairman of Mothers' Bridge of Love (MBL) from its founding in 2004 until 2017.

Before his passing on Christmas Eve 2017, Toby was a literary agent renowned in the world of publishing for representing Chinese and other non-English-speaking authors. From 2004 to 2006, he organised the 'Open Eyes to China' international literary delegations, leading over twenty Western publishers and literary agents on visits to China. These delegations traveled to four major Chinese cultural cities - Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing and Xi'an - where they met contemporary Chinese authors, publishers and critics. This initiative allowed the Western publishing world to better understand Chinese literature, and help bring it to the world.

Toby always encouraged his authors to support MBL's 'Book for Kids' project, which supplies books to over twenty primary schools in rural areas of the country, helping Chinese children to expand their horizons and follow their dreams.

Toby had a deep love and admiration for Chinese culture. He would always encourage Chinese exchange students to improve their English during the annual MBL volunteer training programmes so that they might serve as ambassadors for world peace and cultural exchange, and share the wonders of Chinese civilization with the world.

We believe the seeds of mutual understanding and cultural affection Toby sowed during his lifetime will continue to grow and bear fruit, both among MBL's supporters and volunteers and the many children we strive to help, for generations to come.

Thank you, Toby!