

曾飚博士,浙江瑞安人,认知神经科学学者和作家, 先后毕业于瑞安中学,北京大学(中文系 95 级本科, 心理系 99 级硕士)和布里斯托大学(心理学 2008 年 博士)。曾飚博士 2003 年移民英国,目前是南威尔士 大学心理和治疗学院讲师和脑电实验室主任, 主攻唇 读和虚拟现实技术在康复治疗中应用。曾飚博士在政 治评论、文学创作均有所特长,业余在英国媒体和华 文创作从事写作,曾任 BBC 专栏作家 6 年,为中英两 地媒体撰写分析评论。曾飚博士积极参与公益事务, 创立瑞安中学英国校友会并任会长。现在,他与家人 定居在布里斯托。

Dr. Zeng Biao (known as Zeng), born in the city of Ruian, Zhejiang, China, is a cognitive neuroscientist and writer. He graduated from Ruian Middle School, Peking University (BA in Linguistics and MSc. In Psychology), and University of Bristol (Ph.D. in Psychology). Zeng immigrated to the United Kingdom in 2003. He is currently a lecturer and the head of the EEG Lab at the University of

South Wales. Currently, he reteaches lip reading and virtual reality applications in rehabilitation. Zeng has expertise in political commentary and literature writing. He writes widely for the British and Chinese media in his spare time. He has been a BBC columnist for 6 years. Zeng also actively participates in public and founded the British Alumni Association of Ruian Middle School. Zeng is living in Bristol with his family.


Chloe Yang

